April Newsletter

Online version of the CAHMS newsletter

Echoes of the Great War

Our 2014 exhibition opens Wednesday 23rd April at the museum. Hours as before, Wed, Thurs, Fri 10 till 4 and Sat 10 till 1pm. Also, as before, we desperately need stewards. Will anyone who can spare a half day every week or two please contact us.

Dates for your Diary

10th April
14th April
14th April
21st April
23rd April
28th April
1st May
12th May
15th May
26th May
19th June
23rd June
28th July
22nd September
25th October

In case you missed it...

News Highlights

Notes on the copy made by Robin Langhorne, of the Sillifant copy of the 1598 John Norden terrier of the Crediton Hundred. ... [read more]

Would you like to get more involved in the museum and/or history society? ... [read more]

Our Corporate Friends

Please don’t forget to support the local firms whose logos appear in our literature - see below. Without them we would not have a museum. Our income is insufficient to cover the expenses.