Crediton Area History and Museum Society

... remembering, valuing and conserving Crediton's historic heritage

Old photograph of Crediton Town Hall

Historical photograph showing original Town Hall frontage


CAHMS's governing document, the Constitution and Rules, as lodged with the Charity Commission, and most recently updated in September 2009, defines the Society's object as follows:

"The object of the Society is to advance public education in the history of Crediton and the surrounding area, in particular by the provision of a museum, meetings, lectures and other similar educational events."


In normal times, we arrange a number of events throughout the year, including:

  • Talks on a wide range of historical topics
  • Visits to local historic houses, museums, and other places of interest
  • Social events

Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month from September to May, usually at the Boniface Centre, Crediton at 7:30pm.

Refreshments available.

See our calendar for a full list of current events.