Welcome to CAHMS' website. We are an all-volunteer organisation which runs the town museum (including its family and house history Research Corner), maintains a substantial and growing archive of local documents, photographs and artefacts, and presents a fascinating programme of local history talks. If you are a regular visitor to this website, the website updates page (see button on side menu) will indicate what has changed since your last visit, and is a good place to start.
Town Trails. If you're interested in exploring Crediton's history, on our Downloads page we have a town trail leaflet which takes a general view of the town's history, and a further set of leaflets with a World War 1 focus.
Donations. Did you know that the museum is run solely by volunteers? We keep all our costs to an absolute minimum, but we have rent to pay, and all the usual energy and maintenance costs. We do not charge for admission but seek donations from visitors and those enquirers we help remotely. Because we are not in a prime tourism area, the income generated is modest. Since we opened in 2011 we have survived only because of the generosity of local firms and individuals from all over the world who have become Friends. Can you help us survive? We would greatly appreciate any donation you are able to make. Please do consider this. Thank you.
Donate either by cheque payable to 'CAHMS' and sent to The Treasurer, CAHMS, The Old Town Hall, High Street, Crediton, Devon, EX17 3LF, or by bank transfer to Crediton Area History & Museum Society, sort code 30 80 37, account number 45108268.
Research Corner. Details are on the Find Your Past page. Contact familyhistory@creditonhistory.org.uk with your family history requirements.
Monthly Talks. Keep an eye on the What's On page, in which we also try to include events presented by other local groups.
Thank You to all our many supporters and Friends we extend our sincere thanks for your continuing help in such difficult times. Please continue to support the local businesses that help us to survive through our Corporate Friends scheme.
Our website was designed and hosted by Sarah Green. We were saddened to receive news of her death early in 2022.