A group of photos submitted by Nick Heard, showing various children's events in Crediton in the 1950s. See who you can recognise.
Last year we published a photo of a children's party at the Cider Works at the time of the Coronation in 1953. Our tentative stab at identifying some of the children attracted a correction from Nick Heard, who has since submitted a whole set of photos of similar events which will be of interest to Kyrtonians of a certain age. If you can help with the identification, please contact us.
The original photo is shown above. Double click it to enlarge it. After we said "Already identified are John Twitchen, Philip Luxton. Elizabeth Arscott, one of the Adams brothers who now run the hardware store, Alan and Geoffrey Combe and John Cope", Nick responded with " The boy identified as John Cope I'm fairly sure is in fact John Phillips who lived in East Street. Next to him, wrongly identified as Adams is Jimmy Davey, who lived in Charlotte Street. John Cope may be in the second row, above the C in coronation, but I cant see the image clearly. I’ll have to try to find my original. Front row second from left is Tony Elston, from Charlotte Street then. Next to him is me, who lived in East Street then."
Nick's other photos follow, with apologies that website restrictions prevent us showing larger images. Get in touch with us if you want a closer look.

This line of cubs above has been identified as (l to r): Jonathan Wood (vet now), John Phillips, David Baker, ?, Roger Newman (left Crediton in the 60s) , Richard Crook, David Heard, one of the Whites, John Boddy, Nick Heard, John Heal (CAHMS' archivist).
In the front on the left ? Evans, in front on the right Bill Phillips and Len Boddy

Choir at the St Boniface statue for some reason. 1961-2?

CW Institute Christmas party, probably very early 1950s.

Two Gang Show pictures above, from 1960. Spot John Heal.

Mystery group in the 1930s or 1940s. Nick's father Jack is on the right in the front row.

Finally, 2 more Coronation parties. Nick says "I wonder if people will identify the two locations. One should be readily identified by Kirtonians of my generation. The other much more anonymous and probably only identifiable by those who recognise the participants".