Helena Sykes reporting on the visit to the current exhibition by the 3rd Crediton Brownies
24 members of the 3rd Crediton Brownies enjoyed a visit to Crediton Museum on Monday evening 2nd July. Despite the hot evening they explored this years Childhood exhibition answering questions about the various exhibits.They seemed especially entranced by the sweet shop and sampled a few of the sweets on display.
They discovered what it was like to be at school in Victorian times and tried out some of the instruments of punishment including finger stocks, a backboard and dunces cap. They heard about the awful conditions the children had to work in including times when it was so cold that the ink froze. They tried their hands at writing in the sand, on slate and on the special lined copybook paper.
The exhibition runs until late October. The museum is open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10 am - 4 pm and Saturday 10 am - 1 pm. Throughout the summer there will be a children’s competition along with a quiz. For the adults there will be a ‘Guess the Mystery Object’ and a quiz.
A few more pics: