Bow History AGM and Social

Bow and District Historical Society AGM and Social evening, including presentation 'How we used to live in 1851' by Janet Few.

When: to November  2017
Where:Bow Village Hall, Station Rd, Bow, Crediton, Devon EX17 6HU
Who:Janet Few

Doors for AGM open at 6.00pm for 6.30pm start
Followed by our Annual Social Evening

Two Course Buffet Supper, followed by "How we lived in 1851" by Janet Few

 Doors for Social Evening  Open at 7.15 for 7.45pm 

 Tickets £12.50 Per Person

Please bring along your own choice of  Wine & Soft Drinks


Advance reservations and payment are essential, by no later than Friday 10th November, to either
Gill Nicks (01363 82468) or Nigel Browne  (01363 881137)