CAHMS Member's Christmas meal

Xmas social - Sold Out!!

When: to December  2023
Where:The Old Town Hall, High Street, Crediton, Devon, EX17 3LF

The CAHMS Christmas Meal will be held at the Museum on Monday 11th December, starting at 7:00pm. We are inviting you, as a member of CAHMS, to join us. If you have not yet renewed your subscription this year, can we please remind you that you need to do so when booking. 

Could you please confirm to by not later than Monday 4th December if you will be attending? To confirm your attendance, will you please pay £15 a head: 

EITHER by BACS (bank transfer) to CAHMS, sort code 30-80-37 account no. 45108268 with the reference “Social” and your surname; 

OR by cheque, dropped off at A.E.Lee’s Outfitters in the High St or by post to CAHMS, c/o 2 Albert Terrace, 17 High Street, Crediton, EX17 3AQ  (again, with a note that this is for the “Social” and confirming your surname) 

As for last year, we are asking everyone to bring their own drinks – we don’t have a licence, and we can’t hope to cater for everyone’s taste in that line. It also helps to keep the price down. Food will be by last year's excellent caterers.


** Of necessity, numbers had to be limited in a small venue, and the Christmas Meal is now sold out. **