Newton St Cyres Heritage Open Day

Guided tour of Grade 1 listed church

When: to September
Where:Church of St Cyr & Julitta, Newton St Cyres, Exeter, EX5 5BN

On two dates in September (Wed 11th & Sat 14th) we are offering FREE guided tours of Newton St Cyres Church and grounds as part of the national 'Heritage Open Days' 30th anniversary. Tea, cakes and buns as well, of course...

And, as this year's national theme is 'Routes - Networks - Connections' there will a walk from NSC along part of St Boniface Way to the church at Upton Pyne on the Saturday event, and then a tour of Upton Pyne church too.

As well as this, Jean Wilkins (of the NSC History Group) will be talking about her newly published booklet, 'The History of the A377', - and signing copies on the day.


Please book  your visit by calling, chatting or texting Christine 07773 038689 or 01392 851988


This is a combined effort by our History Group, Bellringing Group, Arboretum guides, and our Ramblers Group, under the auspices of the Newton St Cyres Church Community Association.

The organisers would be very grateful if you are able to download and display this poster.


The entry on the national HOD website is: