Telling The Bees, Folklore Of Rural Craft

A Museum of Dartmoor Life event

When: to September
Where:Museum of Dartmoor Life, 3 West St, Okehampton EX20 1HQ
Who:Mark Norman

Although we live in a modern and industrialised world, vestiges of the ways in which we used to do things can still be found in artisan products, the work of craft practitioners - and in the folklore record. This talk will look at some of the crafts and trades which used to be central to rural life: beekeeping, knitting, spinning, brewing, baking and more - and examine the history, tradition and superstitions associated with them. How did the blacksmith obtain his special talents? When did we start putting knitted items on the top of post boxes? And exactly which way up should you hang a horseshoe when?

Tickets for £6 each to be purchased in advance from the museum.

Further information at