Dowsing in Crediton Churchyard, Libbets Well & Newcombes Meadow

Talk on dowsing with opportunity to get hands-on.

When: to May
Where:Boniface Centre, Church Lane, Crediton, EX17 2AH
Who:Charles Palmer
Charlie Palmer went to some Dowsing Workshops in Exeter in 1999 and became hooked. He says it was like someone opened a door and there was all this interesting stuff behind it. Charlie began teaching Dowsing Workshops on the DCC Adult Education Programme in Autumn 2002 - Crediton Arts Centre was one of his favourite venues. Dowsing is usually thought of as looking for water, but it has many uses. Charlie is very interested in the Michael and Mary lines that come up from West Cornwall and go to East Anglia, via Glastonbury along the way. The lines cross at Crediton Church - the Church of the Holy Cross. His other interest is Archaeological Searches - looking for the buried foundations of things that have long gone.

Charlie will talk to you for a little while at the Boniface Centre before taking you outside to show you what he has found around the Church and in the Car Park. He will bring plenty of Rods with him, so you can have a go - when you find water he will show you how he works out the depth of it. Most people can dowse, as you will find out and you will have fun doing it.

1900 Meet at The Boniface Centre.

2030 Return to the Boniface Centre for tea, coffee and cakes.

Please book in advance so that Charles can bring enough dowsing rods. Thank you.

Admission: CAHMS members £2, non-members £5, including refreshments. 

Link to CAHMS winter 2024/5 programme