File 36 Railways
Please quote the reference below when making enquiries about this item:

Official photo of Southern Railway 'West Country' class locomotive 21C148, designed by Oliver V. Bulleid. It was built in 1946, and named 'Crediton' in 1948. British Railways renumbered it 34048. It was withdrawn and scrapped in 1966.
Documents relating to Crediton's railway.
- 20 Receipt:
Receipt issued by the Goods Department, Southern Railway, Crediton Station in respect of a boiler, 1947 (1947)
- 21 West Country leaflet and Crediton loco photos:
Leaflet entitled “British Railways mixed traffic locomotive West Country class” with official photos of locomotive “Crediton”. (1948)
- 22 Invoice:
Invoice for goods carried by Southern Railway, Crediton Station, 1949 (1949)
- 24 NDRUG leaflet:
North Devon Rail User’s Group leaflet with membership form. (2000 approx.)
- 29 Taw Vale Railway Act:
Photocopy of Act for amending Acts relating to the Taw Vale Railway and Dock. 12 pages (1846)
- 32 Station Diagram:
Diagram of track and sidings, 1921 survey. Drawing of buildings on up platform. Photocopy. Source unknown. (1921)
- 33 John Banks:
Newspaper cutting re death of the Stationmaster John Banks. Annotated "C.C. Feb 26th 1914" (1914)
- 34 Tarka Line brochure:
Tarka Line (Exeter to Barnstaple railway) brochure, including timetable. (1998)
- 35 'Crossing at Crediton' greetings card:
Greeetings card using painting by Philip D. Hawkins of steam age scene in Crediton Station. From Rothbury Collection. (unknown)
- 36 Invoice:
Southern Railway invoice for Carriage of Goods from Copplestone Station issued to Mr Coren of Elley, Colebrooke, undated (pre 1948 nationalisation) (undated)
- 38 'Crediton' nameplate photocopy:
Photocopy of name plate of Crediton engine (item 21 includes original photo). (undated)
- 39 NDRUG magazine Autumn 2007:
North Devon Rail Users Group Magazine, Issue 27 Autumn 2007 (2007)
- 41 Station Tearooms Brochure:
Crediton Station Tea Rooms Brochure. Probably early 2000s. (undated)
- 42 Luggage Labels:
LSWR luggage labels for Bow, Copplestone and Crediton (undated)
- 44 Proposed railway plan 1831:
Plan of proposed railroad from Exeter to Crediton, 1831. Photocopy - source unknown. (1831)
- 46 Sesquicentenary committee agenda:
Agenda for the meeting of 150th Anniversary Celebrations Committee with minutes of previous meeting. (2000)
- 47 Sesquicentenary celebration leaflet:
Crediton Steam Celebration, 150th anniversary of the Exeter & Crediton Railway leaflet, 2001. (2001)
- Historical notes:
An assortment of articles about the history of Crediton's railway (1851-2011)
- Land Title documents:
Various documents relating to title of land required for the railway. (1852-1890)
- Shareholding documents:
Documents relating to railway company shareholding (1905-1953)
- Tithe documents:
Documents relating to the tithe requirements of railway land (1874-1906)
See also: