IP0015/1 to /3 Improvement Commissioners Map

Please quote the reference below when making enquiries about this item:  25667

Section of the Improvement Commissioners' map

Improvement Commissioners Map. “Crediton. The Boundary Line and the Proposed Improvements"

Date: 1836

Improvement Commissioners Map. “Crediton. The Boundary Line and the Proposed Improvements”. 5th February 1836.

Shows the boundary of the area under the authority of the commissioners. Proposed widenings and new roads.

Original and later paper copy, both hand coloured. 1”=6ch. “Copied from various plans by Murray Vicars, Surveyor, of Saint Paul Street, Exeter, Feby 5 1836”.

Usefully identifies lanes, roads and main buildings.

Also A3 photocopy of western end of this map, but with slightly different text, i.e. original was different  – originator and purpose unknown.