IP0019 Babs Stutchbury church drawings

Please quote the reference below when making enquiries about this item:  26680

Church property improvement drawings, copied by by Babs Stutchbury,

Date: 1830-1870s

A selection of 19th century drawings of proposed amendments to the parish churchyard area. Copied onto tracing paper by Babs Stutchbury in 1992/3, from originals in various local archives. 


  • Alterations to churchyard area (1838)
  • Property immediately north of the church (1830)
  • Proposed new walls – north side of churchyard (1862)
  • Plan to add land to north part of churchyard. (1870s?)
  • Churchyard – proposed new paths and ground (1838)
  • Enlargement of tithe map in church area. (1843)