"Sticky Stories from the Toffee Factory: A History of the Popular Crediton Sweet Manufacturer, Bristow's of Devon"

A history of the popular Crediton sweet manufacturer, Bristow's of Devon, and its role in the evolution of confectionery manufacturing. Price £4.50.

This book is part of the Crediton History Series.

Book cover for "Sticky Stories from the Toffee Factory" by Frank Bristow


Publisher:Crediton Area History Society

Publication date:2011


A history of the popular Crediton sweet manufacturer, Bristow's of Devon, and the role they played in the evolution of confectionery manufacturing.

The author charts the history of confectionery manufacturing which has played such an important part in Crediton, from the 1870s, through three generations of Bristow’s and several other local companies, such as Cleaves and Authors.

Early contact with Cadbury’s and the firm’s pioneering role in the production of milk chocolate in this country are also detailed in the booklet. A hand-written copy of the recipe for Cho-hone – an early form of milk chocolate – is reproduced in the book.


Thanks for the memory

"Cho-hone", I hadn't heard that name mentioned for 80 years or more, but reading "Sticky Stories from the Toffee Factory" by Frank Bristow, and seeing a review of the booklet in the last newsletter, brought back vivid memories of buying that delectable sweetmeat in the years between 1927-31.

Walking back from School with tuppence in my pocket, I would pause outside the sweetshop at the top of Longbrook Street in Exeter, to try and decide whether to buy two ounces of Bluebird toffees, which would last me for the long, steep walk up Pennsylvania hill, or spend it on one, utterly delicious, Cho-hone, which would be gone in three minutes.

No Turkish delight, bought since, has ever equalled it in flavour or consistency. In shape it was a cube, and the meltingly soft centre of honey and fruitflavoured jelly, was coated in chocolate and wrapped in paper or foil – I can't remember which. 

To me and my friends, buying a Cho-hone seemed the height of indulgence and luxury, as 2d was a considerable outlay from our meagre weekly pocket money, but what a treat it was!

How I wish one could buy Cho-hones today – at any price.