News from Crediton Area History & Museum Society

CAHMS News-sheet No. 52

I am writing this on a cold January day with slushy snow lying all around. We have been lucky compared with other parts of Britain  here deep snow and freezing temperatures have caused havoc on the roads and schools to close.

We have had some excellent speakers at our meetings over the last few months and reports on their talks can be found later in this newsletter.

Work continues on our archives. We have a strong team that meets on Tuesday mornings at the Museum to sort and catalogue items that have been donated.

The Museum will reopen in mid-April when our exhibition will focus on ‘local worthies’ past and present. We will be needing stewards again and Adele will be be sorting out the rota.

Sandra Cooper

Chairman’s Comments

Time has sped by since I wrote my last comments for the Society’s newsletter. The museum has gone from strength to strength and we are all looking forward to what is on offer this year. May I thank all those members who have worked so hard to produce the exhibitions and to everyone who has given their time to act as museum stewards. Without your help and support we would not have a museum and our work has not gone unnoticed by our visitors and the local community. 

In our “closed” season members are busily working on our archive which contains a great deal of information which needs to be sorted and catalogued. Thank you again for all your support. If any member feels that they may have time to help, please let me know.

On a sad note, older society members may remember Jack Osborne, who until his move to Salisbury a few years ago, was an active society member who also gave talks to us – Who can forget his talk some years ago on Siberian History!! Jack was a very knowledgeable gentleman who could speak many languages and it was with some sadness that we learned in September 2012 he had passed away at the great age of 103. 

George Palin

Dates for your Diary

11th February
12th February
12th February
21st February
21st February
22nd February
25th February
8th March
9th March
11th March
12th March
21st March
21st March
22nd March
25th March
8th April
9th April
17th April
18th April
18th April
23rd April
14th May

In case you missed it...

News Highlights

Sheet music for a Victorian ballad dedicated to Miss Elizabeth Helmore of Newton St Cyres. who married Joseph Carter of Exwick in 1844 ... [read more]

Our Society has long been committed to recording memories of past times. ... [read more]

Devon Heritage Centre (formerly Devon Record Office) has agreed that our museum can become one of their Service Points. ... [read more]

As some of you may know, Angela Perkins (formerly of Gaters Sandford) died in mid December after a stroke. ... [read more]

Crediton businesses have responded splendidly to our request for funding help to ensure the future of our museum. ... [read more]